Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I've Been Tagged! Your it!

Hi everybody! I've been tagged to join a game of blog tag by The Best Laid Plans! I'm so excited! It's a chance to get to know other bloggers and find some that you can relate to. 

The Rules:
1. Every tagged person must tell 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the 11 questions that the person who tagged you asked.
3. Ask 11 questions for the 11 blogs you are going to tag. Please tag blogs with 200 followers or less.
4. Mention the blog that tagged you but don't tag them back.

11 Things About Me:
1. I am a daughter of God and am saved by His amazing grace.
2. I am the oldest of 7.
3. I love to write and would love to have a job as an author or publisher.
4. I am a Florida native.
5. I would love to move to either Denver, CO or Nashville, TN.
6. I am counting down the days to go back to Africa.
7. My biggest dream (as of now) is to take a missions trip to Europe.
8. I learned how to blog from my mom.
9.  I am a little OCD.
10. I am definitely a country girl and get frustrated when people confuse country with redneck.
11. I would love to put up my Christmas decorations the first week of November instead of the week after thanksgiving.

Questions that were asked by The Best Laid Plans:
 1.  How long have you been blogging and what is your main focus on your blog? I started my blog June 10 of this year. My main purpose is just to have fun.
 2. What is your favorite craft/hobby? I love to read. I have a mountain of books, and then another of books I have yet to read.
 3. What is your current or latest project? I am working on a surprise for my followers and will post it on Thursday :)
 4. Do you craft for yourself or for gift-giving?  Most of my Christmas presents are things that I have made. When I make something I usually give it away unless I made it specifically for myself, which rarely happens.
 5. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas!
 6. Who is your favorite author? Tamera Alexander and Becky Wade
 7. Do you have a favorite blog that you have to read? If so, share the name and link. :) I read a lot of blogs and can't say that I have a favorite.
 8. Where is your favorite place to vacation? Disney World!
 9. Do you love to cook or eat out? Depends on my mood.
10. What is your favorite food? As of now, my favorite food is pasta and bread (healthy right?)
11. Tea, coffee or wine? Sweet tea

My 11 Questions:
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What is your favorite book?
3. What kind of music do you listen to?
4. What is your number one priority in life?
5. Cake or cupcakes?
6. Starbucks or a local coffee store?
7. When you were younger and were asked what you want to be when you grow up, what did you say ?
8. What was your favorite TV show growing up?
9. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
10. What is your favorite thing to make?
11. If you could meet any famous person, who would it be?

The blogs I tagged:
Please let me know if you are going to play. I would love to see your answers!

1. http://www.onecraftymess.blogspot.com/
2. http://www.onelittlemomma.com/
3. http://sadieloohoo.blogspot.ca/
4. http://lagringajoya.blogspot.com/
5. http://southerndirection.blogspot.com/
6. http://keepcalmandwearpearls.blogspot.com/
7. http://rusticrediscovered.blogspot.com/
8. http://www.feellovdeveryday.blogspot.com/
9. http://threesisterandus.blogspot.com/
10. http://stellaholiday.blogspot.com/
11. http://successfollowshappiness.blogspot.com/

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  1. hi there - thanks for the tag - I appreciate it and just came by to check out your blog and became your newest follower I will sit down and play along tomorrow morning.

    It's great meeting new people - thanks again
    have a great wednesday
    one crafty mess

  2. Thanks for tagging me!! Im going to play along too..

  3. Thanks for tagging me! Check out my tag post!



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