Saturday, January 12, 2013

FREE Valentines Day Card Images!

So, we all know that Valentines day (or Singles Awareness day) just around the corner.My Valentines day consists of a game at school to where you can't talk to a guy or they "get your heart" (it's an actual heart necklace. Don't worry, were not turning into Cora from Once Upon a Time) and I nice dinner with my parents! We really have fun though, I'm not being sarcastic (surprisingly).

Anyway, I decided to make these Valentines day cards for you all to use! You can just copy and paste them from here. If you use them, let me know how you liked them and how they turned out!

For the best sturdiness I would print them on cardstock or scrap-book paper.

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1 comment:

  1. Hey, just wanted to say that I love your blog and I've nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. I would love if you can come and accept at


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